Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Horror Icons

What a great time for Horror Fans

It been announced that Michael Myers along with the original creator, John Carpenter as the Executive Producer will be putting together the next chapter of the Halloween story. With this being made 38 years after the original slasher movie where John says this one being the 10th and the scariest of them all. I for one can not wait to see this film to see how scary this movie can be after Rob Zombie did some great additions. I seen this during a sleep over at a friends house on Halloween night. What made it more scary is that we all lived in a smaller community like this and knew that we had been followed just before watching the movie and scared to death to close our eyes. When I was a little older I was given a blue full jump suit like in the movie and I took and old mask and turned it inside out. Everyone knew who I was playing even though I wasn't wearing a Micheal mask. I was in the 6th grade and taller than everyone else so it made it that much cooler.

Friday the 13th
This a great announcement following the of the 13th edition of a 36 year old horror sage of the murderous Jason Voorhees. this project has already started and has a release date being sometime in January 2017. knowing that January 2017 has a Friday the 13th I'm guessing that we will see the release date of that. I can remember watching the original movie at a friends house, I was too young at the time to see it in theaters, I was just 11 when it hit, we all were scared to death watching each scene where the students were being hunted and killed one by one. It was great having HBO where we saw it, there was not a pay-per-view to wait for.

All of know that while both of these movies are great and will forever be known for kill counts , screams, and plenty of blood, the other release of the trio that still doesn't have a known release date is the prequel to the 1974 original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. this story takes us years before in the teen years of the cannibal killing machine that shocked so many of when we first saw it on the big screen. TCM was only something that I had heard of as a teenager and seeing it banned everywhere it was difficult to locate a copy in my small town. It wasn't until college in South Florida where I was able to find a copy of it on VHS. Block Buster was just starting out with family entertainment and did not carry it. This was the great mom & pop store that had everything including all the Faces of Dead movies, which I later rented as well. I remembered my roommates and I sitting there in the dark watching this guy with a chainsaw running after Sally while she pushes her brother Franklin in a wheelchair through the woods. We were yelling at the small TV for her to leave him behind and run like hell. Just as we did "Leatherface" broke into his happy dance and took care of whiny Franklin.

Photos where pulled from the internet and are not owned by me

New Image released June 7, 2016