Saturday, March 21, 2015


I made it to Transworld for the first time ever. came in on Thursday morning and was in line for the show around 8 or so to wait for the show floor doors to open at 10. No big deal I enjoy getting places on time, I would rather wait on other rather than people waiting on me. But anyway the show was great. I was hoping to get on the internet and post as much information about the show each night afterwards but as of Saturday night, this has been my third hotel. the first hotel had a charge to be able to use wifi so the next morning (Friday), I tried to post at the Center but their wifi was so bad that I just shut wifi off on my photo so I could at least upload pictures to facebook. We then had to switch hotels and the wifi was much better but I had not gotten the time to post anything. so now we are caught up to today.
to start off with I want to post a video that shows you have to be in the right place at the right time to see somethings that people never get to see in person. I am a huge Face-Off fan and there were so many of these talented artist here at the show whether attending or exhibiting their creations or their makeup. I wish I could post more about them.

There were so many great artist out there with their work with them to prove it. I have only just started working in the haunt industry first as an actor now as a room designer, prop building, makeup, and anything else I can create that can generate a scare.


Saturday, March 14, 2015

Netherworld Haunted House

Picture from their home webpage

I am a huge fan of all things Halloween. I have been to several small haunted attractions and a few large ones. In the large category I have listed Universal Studios Orlando's Halloween Horror Nights this one because of the size and the amount of people that fills up each of the areas even though there are as many as five or so plus you have scare areas. I have been going for the past few years and looking forward to getting back there again this year for the 25th Anniversary celebration. 
The largest single attraction that I have been able attend so far is NETHERWORLD Haunted House in Norcross Georgia just outside of Atlanta. 
It is a huge place with tons of details that you may never get a good look at because you are watching for demons to pop out and scare you. Here is a photo from their website of one of the rooms that you walk through. Everything about this room is perfect. there are movies that are being made today that does not have as much detail that this room has. If you are a haunted house owner you should do everything you can to bring it up to the bar that these people have set. 

Granted you can not have a successful haunted attraction just on room detail alone, you must have characters that come out and brings these rooms to life.So of course one of the biggest haunts have some of the best cast of characters. This is on of the "Grounds" characters that the closer you get the more detail you will see. I invite everyone to get as close as you dare this coming season. 
Taken from their website
 NETHERWORLD has a different theme every year which is incredible. This past year (2014) their theme was witches. In this photo you can see they do not play with Wal-Mart masks and dollar store make up. It is like they went on a search to be these people from their homes and sat them in to the set. Thats how real they look.
Taken from their website
Here is one of the displays that you can get your picture taken at. There are also photographers that will be glad to have you pose with the monsters. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

Ed Edmunds

Taken from Google search
Another day gone and one more day closer to being able to meet all the people I have befriended through Facebook. All the artist that have struggled before me to pave the way for learning on-line the craft that I have been able to enjoy and can't wait to get back to doing. 
This is my first trip to Transworld and I look forward to walking and talking with each group of vendors that attend. One of the people that I hope to be able to talk with is someone I have been a fan of ever sense I saw his show on the travel channel years ago. The show was called "Making Monsters" and has one of the best minds in the business, Marsha Edmunds. She is married to the man that puts all the madness together. He is Ed Edmunds. I watched every episode that came on over and over again. Watching him paint and create not only masks that you may have seen but did not know who created it, but also animatronics that will jump out and scare the poop out of you. 
There are so many creations that have come from the minds of the company of "Distortions Unlimited". I was able to locate the face and "liked" him on Facebook and it seems that he never sleeps. I would hear bell sounds going off on my phone and it would be Ed posting an article or a video to his Facebook page at all hours in the morning. Granted that I live on the East Coast in South Carolina and he lives on the other side of the country so it is expected to some extent that there would be a few come in at 1am or 2am. He only has just under 4,000 friends so he has plenty of room for more.
For those that who have not seen the show or do not know who this is, please crawl out from under the rock and check him out.

I can not say enough about this man, his team, and his company. I have yet to meet any of them and I look forward to meeting them all. If I lived closer, I would have my application filled out and ready to hand them in the hopes that they would hire me. The amount of skill it takes to get out so many different items out on time is immeasurable. I have to get a few nice pictures with them.

Taken from their Facebook

Grim Stitch Factory

Photo from Facebook

My First post leading up to Transworld next week (3/18/15) is dedicated to Grim Stitch Factory.
For those whom have never met the man behind the art they should, as I will be able to do this next week. I first learned about this place while researching on how to make a realist looking skin mask. this was a picture that I found that push me to hassle this guy to tell me how to do it.

For those that think this is gross is only looking at it from the thought that this is real. to some extent it is. There is information on his website that I invite everyone to look at. When I look at his work I see the beauty in the art and what it takes to do it. I have badgered the man too much to find out the process of what is done to get the effect but like a true artist, I was only given hints and elements to some of what it takes to make one but not the process itself. Which is fine because I spent the money buying the items and practiced a few times to duplicate one of these for me to wear in the Haunted House that I work in. I think I was on the right road to being able to get my own started, but I also work 50 hours a week and I am completing my undergrad degree so my thought process was not focused on where I would want it to be which is in the art of creating masks. But this allowed me to appreciate his work that much more. The man behind the masks is just as interesting as his creations. I have included this picture of what he says is his workshop. I looks great and you can get all kinds of inspirations for all things horror related just by looking at the pictures not to mention being immersed in the feel of the room. this picture was also taken from his website Grim Stitch Factory

My wife doesn't like what I have done with my office because I have started to add things to the surrounding much like his workspace. My wife doesn't like it because that where we sit and watch TV at night and she says it creeps her out. I just see it as a win for me. 

Whether you are in the market for a mask for Halloween, add to a collection, or even if you have been planning on creating a character for a movie, you should start with this guy. Find him on Facebook, Twitter, and on the web.
I look forward to meeting the make behind all these creations at Transworld 2015. 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Facebook problems

This blog reaches out to millions with only a laughable 85 views over the past few months by I keep trying to get more views.

I have Facebook acquaintance based on subject matter and similar interests much like everyone else on Facebook. I hope she doesn't mind me throwing her name out there for all to see. Her name is Katie McKinney and is a freelance makeup artist located in Texas with over 3,000 followers. I started following her several months ago based on some of her work she posted.
Yesterday (3/11/15) she posted a picture of some of her work she did. It was a self painted comic book hero paint. For one to be able to do this much work on herself is a difficult task in it's self. doing both face and body. For those that don't know her of her work should try to friend request her. She has tons of pictures with unreal body paint and great photography that did a great job of capturing the beauty of the paint and of her.

There was one person whom saw the post and felt that he needed to see more of what was being covered by paint and sending her an inappropriate message to her that she later posted on her page with his name. I don't normally point people out for doing stupid stuff on the internet because i have real life events going on and I do not have time to call all the turds out by name. I want to applaud Katie for doing so and also some of her followers for sharing his name and picture and their responses to him concerning his request. I have made some dumb comments in my life but none that reaches this level.

I like to think of myself as putting women on a pedestal to be admired and fragile. I'm not saying that a woman's place is in the kitchen, women are so much more than wife, mother, and/or cook. I wish more women would stand up against people like this.

Here is the picture of Katie McKinney that this guy felt allowed him to talk trash to her. I hope he gets what he has coming to him. I wish Katie the best of luck as she continues to grow as an artist and a model.

Countdown to Transworld 2015

As I have posted earlier, I will be traveling to St. Louis Missouri Next Week (3/19/15) for the largest Haunted Attraction industry trade show in the United States. I will also be posting pictures of some of their work and company details and videos. Lots of pictures and videos. I will also will be attending The Darkness to see how they put it all together to be able to scare so many people night after night, year after year. All this will be posted here, my Facebook and Instagram. There will be a variance in each of them so you are not getting the same information from several different sources. There are so many Vendors that will be there are I have met through Facebook that I am excited to be able to meet them in person and get an up-close personal look at their work. 

Facebook Chainsaw Rips

Instagram Chainsaw Rips

Thursday, March 5, 2015

AMC's The Walking Dead

AMC's The Walking Dead is the hottest show being watched these days and with good reason.
Who doesn't like to see a group of people trying to survive in a world where those who live are trying to get what you have because they are not smart enough to have planned ahead and then you throw in a few zombie walkers who are trying to eat your flesh at all times. We can add this scenario of fight for survival in our everyday lives. But we are not here for that. With only a few weeks left in Season 5, I wanted to see what could happen next. So if you want to know more about the rumors please keep reading, If not please pick another page to read.


Is Alexandria as safe as we are being shown.
We get to relax on our sofas while Rick and his group explore what could be their new home that is being run by once again a self appointed dictator. Remember The Governor. He was great at doing what he did best.
I have read rumor posts before season 5 started where everyone was saying that it was going to be Glenn that takes it to the head with a baseball bat just like in the comic book series. We even seen more of this when the group is at Noah's house where Glenn picks up the bat that is rumored to be the one that he gets killed by.
Now with the announcement of the extra 30 minutes added to the season family Daryl finds himself on the run being outside the walls. The anti-hero has been busy with his acting career and his schedule is tight with other projects. This may be a way out for his character to die off at the end or to be lost for a few episodes. As any fan knows Daryl is not a comic book character and there are millions of uses for him. There is no real replacement for someone to step in to this role. Carl is too young but would be perfect for the father son take down team that we seen in the woods at the abandoned house.
AMC did a lot of damage to fans when out of no where Beth takes a bullet to the head. Even the cast that dealt with it on screen had a difficult time. Beth was not the badass the Daryl is. Carol could do it but she is not a marketable character. Who wants to buy a Carol sweater? no me. But who wants to buy a black leather biker vest with wings on the back? line forms behind me.
Abraham will most likely be killed off by Daryl as now the three are not in such a hurry to make it to DC. Abraham has attitude that may get him killed. His temper is too much for him to handle.
Daryl is a fighter and in this world the tough survive and the weak are killed.

Each character has gone though so much and we have seen them change from being scared and not knowing where they stand with each other within the group to pretty much any one of them saying to the other "I got This" when a problem comes up. I would like to see each one of the stay alive and face more challenges personally and as a group.

I do have a question, Whats up with the bodies at the neighborhood of Noah's. I hope they jump back to that soon. It was an interesting twist on taking apart the top half and removing the arm. So who did it and why were they in the back of the truck?
Just like the other seasons, I'll be watching this one several times to keep my eyes open.

Not much information that has not been written elsewhere on the net.


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Transworld 2015

Transworld is just around the corner and I can not wait.
This is my first trip and I want to see it all. I could even be tricked to wondering down a dark alley just to see something jump out at me.
I will be going to each booth with many questions for not only the haunt I work with but to further my own make-up, mask, and set design creativeness. It is going to be wild and go all night.
I am driving all night Wednesday night to be there when the doors open Thursday morning wrapping up the first day with a trip down to the Darkness.
I work with some of the best people in South Carolina in the MadWorld Haunted Attraction off exit 35 on HWY85. We are looking to get a lot of great products and even more ideas to bring us up to the next level.
I will be posting as much information as I can with plenty of pictures and there may be a few videos.

If there are any booths that you have questions about please let me know before I leave Sunday afternoon, I'll get it for you.